Saturday, July 12, 2008

Backpocket Wisdom - Pirates Vs. Ninjas?

This Inky Dink tee is like a Zen Koan, friends, and we just don't know if we could say who would emerge victorious from a Pirate Vs. Ninja battle. On one hook, pirates swashbuckle through different lands on their ships, have parrots to alert them, planks to walk and other tricks up their puffy sleeves. Sensible - they are laden down with treasure and want to spend some of it on defenses that are totally yar, like upping their cool factor with those nifty Disney movies. On the other hand, the sleeker and swifter Ninja doesn't even need a boat - he just needs good old fashioned camouflaged espionage, and perchance a Marvel Comic to sweeten the rep.
The famed Master Troicuk vs. Captain Jack Sparrow? Toss-up....Troicuk could be so fond of Capt. Jack's Keith Richards impersonation and fancy hair and decorative scarves he might just give up, or he just might swoop down like the hidden dragon he is. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles vs. the Dread Pirate Roberts? Toss-up again as we'd go Turtles just because of the sheer numbers, unless this somehow involved iocane powder, because as we all know, Capt. Roberts has spent the last few years building up an immunity to the stuff.
We thought maybe the kids would know best on this one, and we thought wrong! Split straight down the middle those kids were voting for the ninja and then swinging around foam pirate swords until we really wanted to say "parlay!"

The seas of our minds are tumultous as this question, we feel, cannot be resolved by only us. So right here and right now, America, cast your vote in our comments section and let us know once and for all if you think its Pirates or Ninjas!
-posted by Kristina

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