Monday, November 17, 2008

Congratulations to Big Hair Contest Winner, Nicole!

To quote the fabulous Stevie Wonder, "Isn't She Lovely?" The winning look, from Nicole of Chicago, is called the "Wall Of Hair" and Nicole was kind enough to let us in on her hairstyling tips!
To get the Wall of Hair, "A curling iron, fine tooth comb, lots of aerosol spray and a blow dryer are needed. Curl it all, rat it up, spray, bow dry and repeat. After plenty of hairspray and 20 minutes, you, too, can have a WALL of hair like this. Pretty classy stuff. Goes well with leggings, jelly shoes, oversized blazer with large shoulder pads, and lots of bracelets. Long Live the 80's, but thankfully, this hairstyle was put to rest long ago and has since been replaced by a much-more toned down (ie no wall style)." Thanks for the tips, Nicole. You've made everyone really happy with your big hair, except of course, those poor hair spray bottles that long for your tresses!
Nicole is the winner of the cool Bead Shop Styling Kit, which is a super cool gift for your Little Lady! Hopefully, we can get some cool pics of the new looks created!

posted by Kristina, who also had Big Hair

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